Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sue's Pocketfull

Sue's pocket-full book is so cool! The pages are all arches which Sue has sewn from brown paper bags - so much fun to paint on! Her theme is Angels and Icons. Here's the artwork I made for the pocket - picture of angel, highlighted with oil pastels. It's glued to the back of a Paris postcard.

Here it is in the pocket.The back is a page from a Paris calendar, showing Napoleon's grave. An angel image is glued over the top, highlighted again with oil pastels.


Joanne Huffman said...

this is beautiful!


Patty G said...

Love it! Is the angel photo one that you took - perhaps in Europe? Nice use of the oil pastels.


Kathy McElroy said...

This is so beautiful Robin. What a great addition to her lovely book. Lucky Sue.